Karena Super Baby Food
- Saya blm bisa pakai Magimix, sedangkan Tefal Baby itu kapasitasnya kecil. Jd kl nge-mix sayuran/buah kukus, cuma bisa sedikit2. Maksimal cuma sanggup bikin 3 kali.
- Baby food cubes-nya dibeli pelan2 alias tdk langsung banyak.
- Kapasitas freezer kurang memadai karena ada bahan2 makanan lain yang kami simpan di dalamnya.
Karena Super Baby Food
Indonesian Cloth Diapers
Voila! Finally I got them!
Indonesian Cloth Diapers
Review Wean Machine di Wholesome Babyfood
Peas, Corn and Bananas a’la Wean Machine – and the YumYum Dish too
August 10th, 2009 · 1 Comment
Well we’re back and as promised, here is our new review of the Wean Machine. We tried peas (frozen then steamed) as well as corn (also frozen then steamed) and bananas (fresh). The verdict, the Wean Machine does not do well with foods that have “skins” such as peas, corn and green beans. Blueberries were fine but they have a more thin skin than the aforementioned veggies. Bananas were so easy and we LOVED how the banana came out of the machine like Playdoh out of the Playdoh factory (you do remember the Playdoh factory don’t you?)
First up, the peas and corn
Great dishes huh!
Peas ready to be squeezed
Peas produced a lot of water
These peas would be good for babies who love lumpy bumpy foods!
corn ready to be mashed
Again, this would be great for babies who are fine with textures
Freshly peeled banana
Split banana into 3rds prior to squeezing
The banana looks like it came out of the Playdoh Fun Factory – we LOVE it and so did the twins
Banana on a spoon without stirring or making into mush
Tasty and smooth, perfect for beginners or to drizzle over ice cream for your older kids
All in all, we like the Wean Machine but since we are cheap frugal, we probably wouldn’t buy it to use for ourselves. I can’t imagine trying to use this to make food for my twins. They were such little piggies, I would have been squeezing all day!
This gadget would be perfect for those parents who are on the go with their babies. You can take this to a restaurant and squeeze up food straight off the menu – ask for a portion without salt and/or spices if need be!
I could probably have used this when we took the boys on their first camping trip at 7 months of age. It would have been nice to not have to pack bags of frozen food cubes. I would have pre-baked sweet potato and butternut squash, bought some ripe bananas, blueberries, peaches and steamed some carrots to take along and squeeze-n-feed. So 2 thumbs way up for its portability and for likely being a great help on trips and out to restaurants/playdates etc..
Review Wean Machine di Wholesome Babyfood